Deliverology or What interests your boss should fascinate you!

Deliverology or What interests your boss should fascinate you!

"Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is a big fan of a concept known as 'Deliverology'. Developed by Sir Michael Barber for former Prime Minister Tony Blair, it is defined as 'a systematic process for driving progress and delivering results in government and the public sector'. Cabinet meetings since the last election have included presentations by Sir Michael and a Delivery and Results Unit has been set up in the Privy Council Office to ensure a continued focus on 'getting things done'. Many colleagues have asked me what I think about deliverology and whether or not it is any different from past or current practices to track and deliver results. My first answer was that there was no point in debating the merits of deliverology. Given that the Prime Minister and his Government have endorsed it, it is our job to understand it and to apply it fully. I have since read everything I could find on the subject, including Barber's books. What is most refreshing for me is that Barber not only describes a methodology, he speaks about the culture that needs to underpin it. This holds great promise in my mind."

Dare to Lead has reviewed the elements of what Barber describes as necessary to create an irreversible delivery culture and is able to help organizations begin to evolve towards this goal.